Exams hallucinations : old post

This is an old post i wrote during my last term exams

5:04 AM 12/01/2008
5 am in the morning.
i’ve been studying for about 7 hours continuously now .
Everybody is a sleep.
Feeling extra weird.
Have no internet connection.
Writing on VIM * with green font on a black background which makes me feel like I’m doing something important.
Haven’t talk to anybody for about 9 hours.
my stomach hurts.
I’m talking to myself.
wanna sleep ,but i drank too much coffee leaving me with widely opened eyes and a brain working with an efficiency of 0.15% (studying Thermodynamics) .
listening to a sad song

what am I .. I wish I was a butterfly **
i fly and fly until it is my time to die.

Can’t focus on anything.
Lonely as hell.
wanna talk to somebody and it like there is just not enough ppl in the world.
why the hell is friends always unavailable when you need them ?
or when you don’t .
why they are only available when they need you ?
why the fuck I’m writing this ??
still have no Internet connection .
I said that b4 .
just to make sure .
the song changed.

if I was a bird in your hand.***
longing for a new fairy land.

I wanna sleep.
have to much work .. Where the fuck was i for the entire semester ?
home … I’m UNCOOL, uncool people are always home.****
The only true currency in this bankrupt world… is what you share with someone else when you’re uncool ..****

I think I’m hallucinating.
About time.

* Vi Improved Linux/Unix text editor
** Butterfly – Tapping the vein
*** Turn the sky – Angelzoom Feat. Apolcalyptica
**** Quotes from the movie Almost famous